1) who a) 언제 b) 누구 c) 무엇 d) 어떻게 2) 그녀 a) she b) her c) he d) him 3) 삼촌 a) uncle b) father c) sister d) brother 4) 소방관 a) singer b) dancer c) firefighter d) doctor 5) 선생님 a) doctor b) cook c) ballerina d) teacher 6) 들어오다 a) open the door b) come in c) close the door d) stand up 7) 의사 a) doctor b) dancer c) singer d) teacher 8) 그녀는 누구인가요? a) Who is he? b) Who is she? 9) She is my sister. a) 그녀는 내 엄마야. b) 그녀는 내 여동생이야. 10) 그녀는 소방관이야. a) She is a firegither. b) She is firefighter.

[대교 4학년] 4. He is firefighter ( 2차시)


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