1) What is the sport in the image? a) football b) hiking c) running 2) What is the sport in the image? a) judo b) tennis c) rugby 3) What is the sport in the image? a) volleyball b) football c) soccer 4) What is the sport in the image? a) balls b) bowls c) skittles 5) What is the sport in the image? a) walking b) running c) swimming 6) What is the sport in the image? a) sky b) sci c) ski 7) What is the sport in the image? a) diving b) swimming c) jumping 8) What is the sport in the image? a) climbing b) going up c) jumping 9) What is the sport in the image? a) football b) foosball table c) football table 10) What is the sport in the image? a) tennis b) football c) volleyball


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