1) Helen was ________ bored that she fell asleep in class. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 2) It was ________ expensive vacation that I regret it. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 3) You were ________ rude to him that he won’t talk to you again. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 4) The student was ________ tired that he fell asleep watching a movie. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 5) Sabrina is ________ popular that everybody envies her. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 6) I have ________ great relatives that I never feel alone. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 7) They were ________ hungry that they ate as if they hadn’t eaten anything for days. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 8) The dog is making ________ mess that I cannot concentrate on my work. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 9) It was ________ rainy day that it seemed as if the sky was dropping on our heads. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 10) The place was ________ loud that we could barely hear each other. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 11) My sister has ________ interesting stories to tell that you will never get bored. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 12) This cake is ________ delicious that I can eat it all by myself. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 13) My internet connection is ________ slow today that I’d rather use a dictionary. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an 14) San Francisco is ________ incredible city that I’m already planning to go back. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an

so ... that / such (a/an) ... that


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