1) It was ... a) Sunday b) Saturday c) Monday 2) ... played the piano a) squirrel b) octopus c) crocodile d) frog 3) ...played the guitar a) squirrel b) octopus c) crocodile d) frog 4) The Owl .... a new guy a) see b) seen c) saw 5) Pete was shy, so he ..... around the house before he met a new friend a) rode b) ride c) ridden 6) A new guy was .... a) a goose b) a platypus c) a duck d) a beaver 7) His name was... a) Gas b) Bus c) Goose d) Gus 8) On Tuesday Pete and Gus .... together a) went to school b) walked c) ate pizza 9) They ..... to Squirrel a) ran b) go c) came d) swam 10) Gus can ... a) jump b) climb c) juggle d) play the music


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