1) 'I'll send you a postcard', he told us  a) He told us that he would send us a postcard b) He told us that he will send us a postcard c) He told us that he sends us a postcard 2)  'We've bought a new car', she said. a) She said that they bought a new car b) She said that they had bought a new car c) She said that they couldn't afford a new car 3) 'I don't speak German', he said a) He said that he didn't speak German. b) He said that he hadn't spoken German c) He said that he doesn't speak German 4) 'You failed your art exam', you said a) You said that you failed your art exam b) You said that you fail your art exam c) You said that you had failed your art exam 5) 'I can't drive', he told us. a) He told us that he can't drive b) He told us that he couldn't drive c) He told us that he can drive 6) 'You look nice', he told me a) He told me that I looked nice b) He told me that I look nice c) He told me that I had looked nice 7) 'We're going ice-skating', they said a) They said we are going ice-skating b) They said we were going ice-skating c) The said we will go ice-skating 8) The students aren't listening to me', the teacher said a) The teacher said that the students didn' listen to him b) The teacher said that the students are not listening to him c) The teacher said that the students were not listening to him 9) 'You must work next weekend', she told me a) She told me that I had to work next weekend b) She told me I must work next weekend c) She told me I should work next weekend

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