1) Copper sulphate is also called ____. a) green vitriol b) vinegar c) baking soda d) blue vitriol 2) The colour of a substance is a chemical property. a) True b) False 3) Iron can be prevented from corrosion by alloying iron with ____. a) tin and nickel b) tin and chromium c) nickel and chromium d) tin and zinc 4) Which of the following substances is formed when magnesium oxide is dissolved in water? a) Magnesium dioxide b) Magnesium hydroxide c) Magnesium hydride d) Magnesium chloride 5) When a plate is held over boiling water, then we observe ____ on the lower surface of the plate. a) rust b) red deposit c) water droplets d) fumes of water 6) Which of the following is observed when an iron nail is dropped into a solution of aqueous copper sulphate? a) There is no change. b) The solution becomes colourless. c) The blue solution turns green. d) The blue solution turns yellow 7) The colour of the substance formed when silver chloride is exposed to sunlight is ____red deposit a) white b) grey c) gray d) brown 8) Which of the following equations represents the reaction between carbon dioxide and lime water?water droplets a) Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Lime Water [Ca(OH)2] → Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) b) Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Lime Water [Ca(OH)2] → Calcium hydrogen carbonate (CaHCO3) + Water (H2O) c) Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Lime Water [Ca(OH)2] → Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) + Water (H2O) d) Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Lime Water [Ca(OH)2] → Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) + Hydrogen (H2) 9) Which of the following does not represent a change? a) Dissolving sugar in water to make a cool drink b) Adding kerosene to water c) Formation of curd from milk d) Stretching of a rubber band 10) The chemical formula of lime water.......... a) CaO b) Ca(OH)2 c) CaOH d) CaH2O

Chemical changes and types of reactions


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