1) Name 3 books that ________ _____________ into films. (made) a) were made b) are made 2) Name 3 languages that ________ _____________ in Asia. (speak) a) are spoken b) are being spoken 3) Name 1 thing that ___________ _____________ in the last 3 years. (invent) a) was invented b) had been invented 4) Name 3 apps that __________ _____________ on your phone. (install) a) is installed b) are installed 5) Name 3 sports that ____________ _____________ on a team. (play) a) are played b) are being played 6) Name 1 thing that cannot ___________ _____________ alone. (do) a) be done b) is done 7) Name 3 animals that can _______ ___________________ on an African safari. (see) a) are seen b) be seen 8) Name 3 things that _____________ _____________ of wood. (made) a) are made b) were made 9) Name 3 countries where English ___________ _____________ as a primary langauge. (speak) a) is spoken b) has been spoken 10) Name 3 instruments that __________ ___________ in an orquestra. (play) a) are played b) were played 11) Name 3 sports that ________ ______________________ in water. (practise) a) are practise b) are practised 12) Name 3 things that _____________ _______________________ in Spain. (produce) a) are produced b) were produced 13) Name 3 famous singers that ___________ _________________ ___ the UK. (born) a) was borns b) were borned in c) were born in 14) Name 3 famous actors that ___________ __________________ ____ Spain. (born) a) was borns b) were borned in c) were born in 15) Name 1 film __________________ _______ Quentin Tarantino. (direct) a) was directed b) directed by c) is directed by 16) Name 2 famous paintings that _____________ ____________________ by Spanish artists. (paint) a) were painted b) were painted by c) are painted 17) Name 3 ingredients that _____________ ____________________ in the Spanish omelette. (use) a) are used b) were used 18) Name 3 objects that _____________ ____________________ in most school bags. (find) a) are founded b) are found 19) Name 3 objects that _____________ ____________________ in most pencil cases. (keep) a) are kept b) are keeped 20) Name 3 sports in which a ball _____________ ____________________. (throw) a) is threw b) is thrown c) is throwed

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