1) … old is your brother? He's thirteen years old. a) When b) How c) Who d) Where 2) … is your birthday ? The 14th of July. a) Where b) Who c) What d) When 3) … your favourite colour? It's blue. a) Who's b) What's c) When's d) Where's 4) … is your favourite pop star ? It's Taylor Swift. a) Who b) What c) When d) Where 5) … are Ahmed and Karen? They are in the classroom. a) Who b) When c) What d) Where 6) … is that girl ? She's a new student. a) What b) Who c) When d) Where 7) … is the party ? The party is on Saturday. a) Where b) When c) What d) When's 8) … is his name ? His name is Tom. a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 9) …. is your phone number ? 555 764 98 a) How b) When c) What's d) What 10) … are my books ? They are under the chair. a) Where b) What c) When d) Who 11) … are your mum and dad ? They are at work. a) Where's b) Where c) When d) Who 12) ......is the time? It's 4 o'clock. a) What b) When c) Who d) Where


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