1) The children ... football in the park last month. a) played b) plays c) playing 2) The children ... football yesterday. They played basketball. a) played b) didn't played c) didn't play 3) I ............... to music last Sunday. a) listen b) listened c) listening 4) I ............... to music last Sunday. I watched movies. a) listen b) didn't listened c) didn't listen 5) She ............... Maths last Wednesday. a) study b) studied c) studying 6) She ............... Maths last Wednesday. She studied for Spanish exam. a) didn't' study b) didn't studied c) studying 7) Jim .................. to the shopping mall last weekend. She stayed at home. a) didn't go b) goes c) go 8) Ann ... bananas when she was a child.  a) like b) liked c) didn't like 9) Ann ... bananas when she was a child. She liked strawberries. a) didn't like b) didn't liked c) like 10) They .......... their grandparents yesterday. a) visiting b) visits c) visit d) didn't visited e) visited 11) I ........................ by train last year. a) travelled b) travels c) am travelling d) don't travel 12) She .................... by train to Menorca. She travelled by plane. a) fly b) didn't travel c) travelled d) flies

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