1) You ............ come with us if you don't want to. a) have to b) don't have to c) mustn't d) shouldn't 2) I think you ............. visit your garandma more often. a) ought not to b) have to c) should d) must 3) Look at the sign! You ............. take photos in the gallery. a) mustn't b) shouldn't c) ought to d) don't have to 4) You ..................... feed the dog, I've already done it. a) mustn't b) have to c) should d) needn't 5) All right, we have finished. We ........ have a break now. a) mustn't b) ought c) have to d) ought not to 6) I ............. study hard if I want to pass the exam. a) can b) should c) have to d) must 7) You .......... give the book back tomorrow, I have English only on Monday next week. a) don't have to b) shouldn't c) can't d) mustn't 8) I ............ leave now or I will miss the bus. a) mustn't b) have to c) ought not to d) has to 9) It's not a good idea. You .................. buy her that Britney CD. a) ought to b) should c) shouldn't d) don't have to 10) You .............. smoke in the hospital. a) mustn't b) don't have to c) needn't d) shouldn't 11) I've already phoned Jane, you ........... do it a) must b) have to c) mustn't d) don't have to 12) He's getting deaf. He ............ listen to his MP3 player so loud! a) mustn't b) don't have to c) should d) ought not to 13) You ................ bring some food. There is no restaurant where we are going and the trip will be long. a) has to b) should c) have to d) don't have to 14) You ............. tell Adam about the party. It is a surprise. a) have to b) must c) should d) mustn't 15) You look tired. I think you ............. take a break. a) don't have to b) must c) have to d) ought to 16) You ................ stay at home or I will get mad. a) should b) had better c) ought to d) must 17) You ................ not do that if you want to keep your job. a) needn't b) should c) ought to d) had better 

TEENS 4 must should, have to, ought to, had better


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