Las year, I wanted to travel from Madrid to Hamburg to visit a friend. I had booked an ____ flight ( a flight from a country to another) from Madrid to Franfurd and a ____ ____ from FrankFurt to Hamburg. I printed off my ____ ____ the day before my flight, and I took it with me to the airport. I was able to go stragith to security in ____ because I only had ____ ____ - a small backpack. After ____ my bag, they opened it and ____ it to make sure I wasn't carrying any liquids or ____ ____ like scissors. When I finally got my bag back. I looked at the ____ ____ to see if my flight was already ____. I needn't have worried because the flight was ____. The plane didn't ____ ____ until two hours later. When I eventually arrived in Frankfur. I was happy to see that my next flight was ____ ____. However, just before we were due to board, we were informed that the flight had been ____, apparently planes couldn't ____ in Hamburg because of bad ____. In the end, I finished my ____ by train and I arrived in Hamburg eight hours later.

Complete with the missing word (air travel)


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