1) Sasha usually … his HW after school. a) do b) does c) doing 2) I … new to school. a) am b) is c) are 3) I’m American. I’m from … a) The UK b) The USA c) Canada 4) Who is Kathy? She’s Laura’s… a) Brother b) Mother c) Father 5) Masha and I are friends. … walk to school together. a) Our b) We c) You d) They 6) Rhinos have horns … their heads. a) On b) Under c) Next to 7) What time is it? It’s half … 3. (3.30) a) Past b) To 8) We eat breakfast in the … a) Evening b) Morning c) Afternoon 9) Can you put … rice in my bowl, please? a) A b) Some c) Many 10) Mr Williams is a … . He always delivers our letters. a) Taxi driver b) Baker c) Postman 11) There are six … on the table. a) Knives b) Knife c) Box 12) Has Lera got … book? a) This b) Those c) These 13) Whose house is that? It’s… house. a) Katie b) Katie’s c) Stas’s 14) What ARE you … now? a) Do b) Does c) Doing 15) We haven’t got … milk in the fridge. a) Some b) Any c) A 16) Nastya wears … in the summer because it’s hot. a) Trousers b) Coat c) Shorts 17) Have you got a toothache? You must see a … . a) Dentist b) Teacher c) Doctor 18) Danya lives in this house. It’s … house. a) Her b) His c) Our 19) Yesterday I … at school a) Were b) Was c) Am 20) Last weekend I … Harry Potter a) Watch b) Watches c) Watched d) Did watch 21) What is this? a) Pencil b) Pen c) Ruler d) Eraser e) Sharpener 22) This room is … a) a bedroom b) a bathroom c) an attic d) a living room e) a hall 23) These are … a) legs b) wings c) horns d) grass e) mane 24) She … a) Wakes up b) Gets up c) Wake up d) Get up 25) What is the weather like? a) It’s sunny b) It’s hot c) It’s freezing d) It’s cloudy e) It’s foggy 26) This is … a) firework b) grape c) bonfire d) parade 27) This is … a) Pumpkin b) Onion c) Garlic d) Cabbage 28) These are … a) Lemonades b) Fizzy drinks c) Decorations 29) You can buy this in the … a) Newsagent’s b) Bakery c) Chemist’s 30) This is a … a) American mountain b) Rides c) Rollercoaster 31) This looks like … a) A comedy b) A horror film c) A romance d) An action film


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