1) Stop talking! I am fed up ___ the noise. a) of b) with c) for 2) I only go to the city once or twice a year.  I hardly ___ go the city. a) ever b) never c) rarely d) since 3) As a police officer, you have to ____ a variety of people. a) challenge b) fed up with c) deal with 4) Which object do you wear on your hand? a) hand sanitizer b) mask c) glove 5) On Fridays, I am keen on hanging ___ with my friends at the park. a) out b) about c) up 6) It is rude to put your elbows ___ the table. a) in b) on c) for 7) My grandmother called the police to ___ about the neighbors because they were playing loud music at 4 o'clock in the morning.   a) deal with b) fed up with c) complain 8) This pandemic has been ___ for many people. a) challenge b) challenges c) challenging 9) Trying to find a job in Spain now is a ____. a) challenge b) challenges c) challenging 10) I am fond of staying at this hotel because they have great ____. a) facility b) facilities c) facilitation 11) In Spain, people normally kiss each other on the ____. a) cheek b) elbow c) mask 12) Ew! You are filthy! Do not put your arms around me. Don't ___ me! a) sneeze b) cough c) hug

B1 Covid 19 Vocabulary


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