1) 9-6=3 a) Correct b) Incorrect 2) fife a) Correct b) Incorrect 3) 5-4=2 a) Correct b) Incorrect 4) Which number is bigger? a) eleven b) twenty 5) What is the next number of 10? a) b) 6) Before 6 is? a) five b) seven 7) 5-1=? a) four b) three 8) 4+6=? a) ten b) nine 9) three a) Correct b) Incorrect 10) What is the number after 6? Spell the word. a) sewen b) seven 11) twelve a) Correct b) Incorrect 12) 10-6= ? a) 4 b) 5 13) eight a) Correct b) Incorrect 14) 2 + 0 = 2 a) Correct b) Incorrect 15) fiveteen a) fifteen b) fiften 16) Which is the smallest number? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 17) zero a) Correct b) Incorrect 18) 10-5=5 a) Correct b) Incorrect 19) From big to small a) Increasing order b) Decreasing order 20) nineteen a) Correct b) Incorrect 21) Increasing order means.. a) Big to small b) Small to big 22) 9-1=8 a) Correct b) Incorrect 23) What comes between 9 and 11 ? a) 8 b) 10 c) 12 24) 7 - 0 = 0 a) Correct b) Incorrect 25) 2 + 2 = 4 a) Correct b) Incorrect


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