1) What is it when something 2 or more word have the same consonant beginning letter? a) Assonance b) Assonace c) Assoance d) Assonances e) Asonance f) Alliteration 2) What is it when something is described using as or like? a) Smile b) Metaphor c) Personification d) Simile e) Happy f) Onomatopoeia 3) What is it when the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named? a) Onomatopoeia b) Onomatopoia c) Onomatopeoia d) Onamatopoeia e) Onomatopoei f) Onomatapoia 4) What is when something is described as something without using like or as? a) Metaphor b) Metophor c) Metaphoar d) Personification e) Simile f) Assonance 5) What is it when some thing is described as doing a human action? a) Personfication b) Personification c) Assonance d) Persnification e) Peronification f) Metaphor 6) What is the effect of the simile "Life is like a roller coaster"? a) The effect of this simile is to show life is long. b) The effect of this simile is to show life is dull c) The effect of this simile is to show life has ups. d) The effect of this simile is to show life is good e) The effect of this simile is to show life has ups and downs f) The effect of this simile is to show life is short 7) What is the effect of the metaphor "Love is a rose"? a) The effect of the metaphor is that love is beautiful and dangerous b) The effect of the metaphor is that love is bad c) The effect of the metaphor is that love is good d) The effect of the metaphor is that love is soothing 8) What does lethargically mean? a) of, relating to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish; apathetic. b) nice c) bilging d) bewildering 9) What is the English terminology of "they"  a) Proper noun b) Pronoun 10) What is the English terminology of "destroy" a) Verb b) Adverb c) Personal pronoun d) Adjective e) Pronoun f) Noun


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