1) What was the Mr. Hyde first name? a) John b) Utterson c) Walle d) Peter 2) How old was Dr. Jekyll? a) 27 b) 34 c) 77 d) 50 3) Why Dr. Jekyll wore mask? a) do not let the emotions transparent b) because he liked costumes c) to show your new mask d) to show for your friends 4) What was the secret that dr jekyll revealed to lanyon? a) he revealed that his aim was to make the dark face of his inwardness emerge before the eyes of a witness. b) he revealed that he aimed to kill everyone c) he revealed that he aimed to make the biggest plan in the world d) he revealed that he was aiming to plant a bomb 5) What motivated Henry Jekyll to create the monster? a) dr. Jekyll manages, through his scientific experiments, to create a formula that intervenes in his "normal" and triggers mental and physical processes. b) dr. Jekyll manages, through his scientific experiments, to invent a genius of the lamp. c) Dr. Jekyll manages, through his scientific experiments, to invent an experiment for a good monster. d) Dr. Jekyll manages, through his scientific experiments, to invent a dog. 6) Who killed Sir Danvers Carew? a) Dr. Jekyll b) John c) Mr. Hyde. d) Ben 7) Why didn't Dr utterson agree with the will left by Dr Jekyll? a) Utterson worries that his client, the respected physician Dr. Henry Jekyll, recently made Hyde the beneficiary of his will. b) Utterson worries because he doesn't care about the will.Utterson worries that his client, the respected physician Dr. Henry Jekyll, recently made Hyde the beneficiary of his will. c) Utterson worries because he wants to tear up the will d) Utterson worries because he doesn't like the proposed will 8) Who killed dr lanyon? a) Lanyon's eventual death was caused by shock at seeing Mr. Hyde take a potion and transform into Dr. Jekyll. b) Lanyon's eventual death was caused by shock at seeing Dr. Jekyll. take a potion and transform into mr. Hyde c) Lanyon's eventual death were caused by john d) Lanyon's eventual death were caused by the ben 9) Why did everyone like Mr. Utterson? a) because he was a pastor b) because I was very rich c) because I had excellent relationships d) because he was a modest man and a friend 10) What was the main reason Henry Jekyll took the potion to transform into Edward Hyde? a) kill conscience with transformation b) prove your theory that we all have the good side and the bad side. c) turn organs into immaterial things d) make different thoughts


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