noun - the type of word that names something or someone, verb - a word used to describe an action , adjective - a word used to describe a noun, adverb - a word used to describe a verb, clause - a part of a sentence, main - the name of a clause that makes sense on its own, subordinate - the name of a clause that does not make sense on its own, relative - the name of a clause that starts with who which where or that, conjunction - a word used to connect clauses of a sentence, coordinating - a type of conjunction that joins two main clauses, subordinating - a type of conjunction that joins a main clause and a subordinate clause, synonyms - words that mean the same but are spelled differently, antonym - a word which has the opposite meaning to another word, simile - a sentence that compares two things using like or as, metaphor - a sentence that describes something as something else ,

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