INVALID - someone who is so sick that they have to be cared for by other people, DROWSY - feeling tired and wanting to sleep, RUNDOWN - tired and not healthy, especially because of working too much, IMMOBILE - not moving or not able to move, IMPAIRED - She suffers from _______ vision/hearing., LIMP - to walk with difficulty because one of your legs or feet is hurt, SORE - painful, especially when touched, OUTBREAK - a time when something unpleasant suddenly starts, such as a war or disease, EXHAUSTION - a feeling of being very tired, LAZE - to relax and enjoy yourself, doing very little, WEAK-MINDED - showing no determination, SHELTERED - If you have a _________ life, you are protected from harmful experiences. , DOMINEERING - trying to control other people without thinking about their feelings, PUSHY - behaving in an unpleasant way by trying to make someone do something., HUMANITARIAN - involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering, INTERVENE - to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation, CLEANSING - used to describe something that cleans or is used for cleaning, DISPROPORTIONATE - too large or too small in comparison to something else,


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