1) What do we do if we hear the school siren during our swimming lesson? a) Keep swimming b) It is play time c) Exit the pool immediately 2) What does this picture mean a) No Diving b) No Running c) No Eating 3) What do you wear while swimming? a) Jogging pants b) Swim suit c) Jeans 4) What should we do before entering the pool? a) Shower and sit on the pool deck b) Chat with our friends c) Shower and then jump in 5) Before you go in to the pool, what should you always apply on your skin to stop yourself from getting burnt? a) Sunscreen b) A tattoo c) Moisturizer 6) What swimming style can be seen in the picture a) Freestyle b) Back stroke c) Breast stroke 7) Respiratory movements are very important in swimming. How do we take a good breath in? a) Mouth b) Nose c) Eyes 8) Is your face down in back stroke? a) Yes b) No 9) Which of these are swimming techniques? a) Freestyle b) Jumping jacks c) Backstroke 10) Before we start swimming, we must....? a) Cool down b) Warm up c) Sit down

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