1) (I) This is __ pen a) my b) your c) his d) hers e) our f) their 2) (They) The green books are __ books a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 3) (you) Is this __ car? a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 4) (we) __ class is fun! a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 5) (she) __ house is big and beautiful a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 6) (he) Is that __ pencil? a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 7) (I) this isn't __ jacket a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 8) (We) those aren't __ shoes a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 9) (you) That isn't __ backpack a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 10) (they) are these __ scarfs? a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 11) (we) __ socks are white. a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 12) (he) __ ice cream is delicious! a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 13) (she) __ dress is black a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 14) (I) is this __ watch? a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their 15) (you) This isn't __ wallet a) my b) your c) his d) her e) our f) their

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