Extend an invitation. , Accept an invitation., Decline an invitation., Express how you feel today. , Name 3 sporting equipment items. , Answer: ¿A qué deporte juegas?, Answer: ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?, State your favorite season and why. , Use a tener expression in context. , Ask for directions to...(you choose location)., State 3 prepositional phrases., Identify 5 stores &/or places in Spanish.  , Find out how much something costs., Identify 1 leather good and 1 ceramic good. , State a bargaining phrase., Order a food item. , State that you dislike a food item and why. , Identify 5 foods/beverages/desserts., Answer: ¿A qué hora te acuestas?, State something about your daily routine. , State 4 interrogative (question) words., Say the colors of the rainbow. , Count by 10s, 10-100., Say something about school. , Say 3 things about yourself. .


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