1) Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great grandchildren? 2) Would you rather have more time or more money? 3) Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life? 4) Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages? 5) Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long? 6) Would you rather be without internet for a week, or without your phone? 7) Would you rather be Batman or Spiderman? 8) Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or in a broken elevator? 9) Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly? 10) Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain? 11) Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food? 12) Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors? 13) Would you rather be fluent in all languages or be a master of every musical instrument? 14) Would you rather be able to breath underwater or fly through the air? 15) Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream as the only food for eternity? 16) Would you rather have to eat a bowl full of worms or a live frog? 17) Would you rather date someone unattractive with a great personality, or date someone very attractive with a bad personality? 18) Would you rather date someone unattractive with a great personality, or date someone very attractive with a bad personality? 19) Would you rather be captured by a wild tribe in the jungle or be captured by pirates at sea? 20) Would you rather control your dreams or watch them the next day? 21) Would you rather infinite battery life for your phone or infinite fuel for your car? 22) Would you rather know all the mysteries of the universe or know every outcome of every choice you make? 23) Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak? 24) Would you rather know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals? 25) Would you rather be married to a 10 with a bad personality or a 6 with an amazing personality? 26) Would you rather have an easy job working for someone else or work for yourself but work incredibly hard? 27) Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in? 28) Would you rather suddenly be elected governor of your town or suddenly become a CEO of a major company? 29) Would you rather be feared by all or loved by all? 30) Would you rather be held in high regard by your parents or your friends? 31) Would you rather humans go to the moon again or go to mars? 32) Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive but famous after you die? 33) Would you rather be a famous director or a famous actor? 34) Would you rather be able to control fire or water? 35) Would you rather live without the internet or live without AC and heating? 36) Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or be able to read minds? 37) Would you rather be beautiful/handsome but stupid or intelligent but ugly? 38) Would you rather be unable to use search engines (Google) or unable to use social media (IG, FB)? 39) Would you rather be balding but fit or overweight with a full head of hair? 40) Would you rather never be able to eat meat or never be able to eat vegetables? 41) Would you rather have a completely automated home or a self-driving car? 42) Would you rather be an amazing painter or a brilliant mathematician? 43) Would you rather never be stuck in traffic again or never get another cold? 44) Would you rather live on the beach or in a cabin in the woods? 45) Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day? 46) Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life? 47) Would you rather never run out of battery or always have free Wi-Fi wherever you go? 48) Would you rather never have to clean a bathroom again or never have to do dishes again? 49) Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside? 50) Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?

Would you rather...?


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