exorbitant - (L.) ex + orbita = out from + course/track, expeditious - (L.) ex + ped = out from + foot (fetter?) , extensive - (L.) ex + tendere = out from + stretch, extrapolate - (L.) extra + interpolate = outside + introduce additional, extravagant - (L.) extra + vagari = outside + to wander, exuberance - (L.) ex + uberare = out of + to be fertile, fallacious - (L.) fallicia = deceive (with intent), fanatic - (L.) fanum = temple (extreme devotion), fanatical - (L.) fanum = temple (extreme devotion), fastidious - (L.) fastus + taedium = arrogance + aversion, fissure - (L.) findere = to split, fits - (E C15th) fit = suited to the circumstance,


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