1) We ____________ to the cinema last night. a) went b) were c) came 2) She ____________her leg two weeks ago. a) lost b) broke c) chose 3) They ____________ a wallet on the pavement yesterday afternoon. a) took b) thought c) found 4) My friends and I ______________ at the stadium to see a football match. a) drank b) drove c) met 5) You and Rachel ________________ your books at home. a) forgot b) lost c) threw 6) My grandma _________ very lonely last night. a) saw b) felt c) hit 7) Yesterday________ the best day of my life! a) were b) was c) had 8) Two years ago we ___________to New York. a) stole b) flew c) held 9) Last Monday he ____________ a new car. a) bought b) sang c) read 10) Ralph _____________ the competition very easily. a) cut b) hung c) won


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