1) You ___ go to bed late. a) shouldn't b) should 2) You _____ take an aspirin. a) shouldn't b) should 3) You _______eat more fruit. a) should b) shouldn't 4) You _____learn to speak English. a) shouldn't b) should 5) You _______  ask for help. a) should b) shouldn't 6) You ____eat all that cake! It isn't good for you. a) should b) shouldn't 7) You ____ believe everything you hear. a) should b) shouldn't 8) You _____drink cold water. a) should b) shouldn't 9) Children _____ sleep about 8 hours each night. a) shouldn't b) should 10) You ___ leave things to the last minute. a) should b) shouldn't 11) You _____ stay in bed if you're ill. a) shouldn't b) should



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