1) Qual é a alternativa com a escrita correta do número? a) twenti-eyght (28) b) niniteem (19) c) fifty (50) d) thirty-uán (31) 2) Como se escreve 14, 16 e 18 em inglês? a) twelve, sixteen and seventeen b) ten, thirteen and eighteen c) eleven, fifteen and nineteen d) fourteen, sixteen and eighteen 3) Qual alternativa apresenta a seguinte sequência numérica: 11, 15, 19 e 20? a) three, eight, ten and twelve b) eleven, fifteen, nineteen and twenty c) four, seven, nine and ten d) twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen 4) Continuação da sequência numérica: forty-one, forty-two, forty-three... a) forty-four, forty-five, forty-six b) forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine c) thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight d) twenty, thirty, forty 5) Resultado de 3 x 4 e 9 + 6. a) fourteen (14) and sixteen (16) b) eleven (11) and fifteen (15) c) twelve (12) and fifteen (15) d) sixteen (16) and thirteen (13) 6) Como dizemos em inglês, a hora apresentada neste relógio? a) It is five o'clock. b) It is tem o'clock. c) It is eight o'clock. d) It is ten o'clock. 7) What time is it? (Que horas são?) a) It is seven thirty. b) It is seven fifteen. c) It is seven o'clock. d) It seven forty. 8) Qual é a hora que geralmente almoçamos? a) It is midday. b) It is midnight. c) It is five o'clock. d) It is ten thirty. 9) Marque a hora que você lancha na escola. a) It is nine o'clock. b) It is ten fifteen. c) It is eight thirty. d) It is nine thirty. 10) Escolha a alternativa que apresenta entre parênteses, a hora correta. a) It is seven forty. (07:20) b) It is ten forty-five. (10:45) c) It is midnight. (12:00) d) It is five twenty. (05:40)


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