My working day (zaczyna się ) at seven o'clock., I (Budzę się) up, (włączam) on the radio and (robię) my morning exercises., At half past seven we (jemy) breakfast., My father and I (wychodzimy/opuszczamy) home at eight o'clock., He (biorę/jadę) a bus to his factory., My mother (jest) a doctor, she (wychodzi/opuszcza) home at nine o'clock, In the evenings we (spędzamy) time in the living room., We (oglądamy) TV and (rozmawiamy) on Saturdays., My sister (budzi się) up at eight o'clock., She (jest) a nurse., John (chodzi) to a language school in the afternoon., Jane (lubi) sports., For breakfast she (je) two eggs, a sandwich and (pije) a cup of tea., After breakfast, Anne (idzie) to work., Amanda (uczy się) French as well., Anthony (ćwiczy) three times a week. , We (chodzić po górach) every Saturday. , Joanna (dojeżdża do pracy) every day. .

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