How learning ENGLISH make you FEEL?, What makes you get better when you are SAD?, What makes you feel ANGRY ? (zangado), What makes you feel SAD ? (triste), Tell a moment that you felt Happy this week ? , What makes you feel SCARED? (medo), O fez você se sentir ANNOYED last week? (chateado), For what are you EXCITED this week? (animado), How learning ENGLISH make you FEEL?, What makes you feel HAPPY?, What makes you feel ANNOYED last week? (chateado), Tell us a HAPPY moment this week ? , Tell us something you are CURIOUS to learn., Tell us something you are CURIOUS about., How do you FELT yesterday?, What makes you feel HAPPY?, Tell us a moment you felt SHY ? (tímido), How learning ENGLISH make you FEEL?, What do you fell when you are HUNGRY?, What makes you feel HAPPY?.


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