1) Do you want ... orange? a) a b) an c) - 2) Give him ... lemon. a) a b) an c) - 3) Do you want ... sweet? a) a b) an c) - 4) Do you want ... apple? a) a b) an c) - 5) Can I have ... banana, please? a) a b) an c) - 6) They eat bread with ... butter for breakfast. a) a b) an c) - 7) Do you often eat ... egg for breakfast? a) a b) an c) - 8) There is .... orange juice in the fridge. a) a b) an c) - 9) They need ... flour to cook a cake. a) an b) a c) - 10) They need ... flour to cook a cake. a) an b) a c) -


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