metaphor - Gives the thing described characteristics of something else. Enlivens and develops understanding by direct and compact comparison  , simile - Gives the thing described characteristics of something else. Enlivens and develops understanding by comparison that is explicitly stated using 'like' or 'as' , personification - Gives the thing described characteristics of people which enlivens and creates a vivid image, listing - Gives information in compact form and emphasizes the extent , alliteration - Sounds pleasing and draws our attention or gives unity to this phrase. Using particular letters can convey mood, onomatopoeia - Heightens imagery by associating the sound a word makes, adverb - Adds detail to an action - helps see the when and how of the action, rhyme - Gives a pleasing pattern with harmony. Highlights words at end of sentences, adjective - Adds detail to the noun that is being described, noun - For being general or specific about the name of a thing, place, person, or idea, verb - Helps the reader imagine the action that is taking place and how strong that action is, rhetorical question - Makes the reader engage, consider, and think about the question making reading more interactive and entertaining., hyperbole - Over exaggeration makes a more memorable description and helps us understand what the writer felt about it, emotive language - Stimulates our emotions in order to feel strongly about something or agree with the writer, repettiton - A means of reinforcing a concept, thought, or idea for a reader by repeating certain words or phrases, juxtaposition - By putting two contrasting ideas next to each other, it helps understand the importance and specific qualities of each one., extended metaphor - Allows development of the comparison in great detail using different subjects, ideas, images, and situations across the text, slang - used to show the era or place the narrative is set which can connect the reader if it relates to them,

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