1) Shelly practised well for her driving test; _____________________ she passed it easily. a) so b) moreover c) because d) as soon as 2) Oliver speaks three foreign languages ________________ he has never been to school. a) furthermore b) because of c) in addition  d) although 3) Air pollution is mainly _______________ smoke from cars and factories. a) besides b) due to c) however d) despite 4) The doctor says that Amal’s sleeping problems are __________________ the long hours she spends online. a) because of b) also c) on the other hand d) since 5) She walked carefully_____________________the streets were covered in ice. a) and b) since c) so as to d) because 6) I´ll look after the children _____________________ you are making dinner. a) when b) before c) while d) for 7) It was ______________ wonderful view ______________ we were left speechless. a) such...as b) not...as c) in addition...also d) in order...to 8) He sat down ____________________ he would have a rest.  a) however b) when c) in addition d) so that 9) Bill had lived in Spain for six years, _________________ he spoke Spanish fluently. a) so b) because c) as well as d) in order to 10) _________________ he lost a lot of blood, he is in stable condition. a) While b) Although c) When d) Nevertheless


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