1) my sister and I a) I b) we c) she 2) Peter a) he b) she c) it 3) Lisa and Kelly a) you b) she c) they 4) the cat a) we b) it c) they 5) My parents a) they b) we c) she 6) the cars a) he b) it c) they 7) Laura a) he b) she c) it 8) My dad and I a) we b) they c) she 9) the book a) they b) he c) it 10) the rabbit a) she b) it c) he 11) This is ........ camera. ( she) a) her b) his c) your 12) It's ........... book. ( he) a) their b) his c) my 13) This is ....... ice-cream. ( I ) a) your b) my c) our 14) This is ....... class. ( they) a) our b) their c) they 15) These are ...... bikes. ( My family and I ) a) your b) their c) our 16) This is ......... bone. a) his b) its c) her


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