1) The sanctuary of concesa was born in a) 1611 b) 1621 c) 1631 d) 1641 e) 1625 2) Who painted the Madonna a) Giacomo Stefano Manetta b) Giovanni Simone Manetta c) Giovanni Stefano Manetta d) Gerolamo Stefano Manetta e) Gianfranco Simone Manetta 3) Why the spring has dried up a) The citizens used it for their own purposes b) Was closed for maintenance c) A pipe was broken d) Because the water of the spring was considered unclean e) By the hand of a miracle 4) Because of what illness the construction of the sanctuary stops a) Malaria b) Covid c) Plague d) Smallpox  e) Fever  5) With what matter was covered the breast of the Madonna depicted in the picture a) With a silver plate b) With leaves  c) with a platinum plate d) with a gold plate e) with a cloth of cloth

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