1) She is at home, but ......... sister is at school. a) my b) your c) his d) her 2) Tomek is happy, it is ..........party. a) my b) your c) his d) her 3) This is my brother, ............. name is Tom. a) my b) your c) his d) her 4) This is my sister ........... name is Anna. a) my b) your c) his d) her 5) I'm Tom and this is .......... brother. a) my b) your c) his d) her 6) I am Nicole and this is .......... sister Amy. a) my b) your c) his d) her 7) My dad is Italian and ....... name is Steven. a) my b) your c) his d) her 8) Hi Tom, this is .......... book. a) my b) your c) his d) her


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