1) Talk about a famous person that looks young for ________ 2) Talk about a famous person that is in ________ 3) Talk about when you came ________ 4) Talk about whether you think teenage boys are more ________ than teenage girls 5) Talk about at what age you think you had the ________ to make your own decisions 6) Talk about why it is important to care for the ________ 7) Talk about whether you believe there is age ________ in the modeling industry 8) Talk about what you see as the dangers of age ________ 9) Talk about what government services are available for the ________ in your country 10) Talk about a famous person that acts old for ________ 11) Talk about at what age you believe you will be in ________ 12) Talk about a time you haven’t acted ________ 13) Talk about when people in your country usually come ________ 14) Talk about whether you think women are more ________ than men 15) Talk about at what age you believe your father had the ________ to make his own decisions

Speak Out Upper-Intermediate Talking about AGE Unit 6


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