Directed Speech: “I enjoyed the party last night,” Veronica said., “My mum doesn’t like this reality show,” Tom said. , “We’re going to visit the National Art Gallery tomorrow,” Mrs. Jones told us. , “Susan and Grace will help me learn my lines.” said Natalie., “I must finish my film review tonight,” Samantha said., “I’m watching an interesting documentary at the moment,” Dad said., “Matthew joined the drama group last month,” Bill told me. , “My grandmother has seen The Phantom of the Opera,” Vanessa told us., Reported Speech: Veronica said that she enjoyed the party the night before., Tom said that his mum didn’t like that reality show., Mrs Jones told us that we were going to visit the National Art Gallery the next day., Natalie said that Susan and Grace would help her learn her lines., Samantha said that she had to finish her film review that night., Dad said that he was watching an interesting documentary at that moment., Bill told me that Matthew had joined the drama group the previous month., Vanessa told us that her grandmother had seen the Phantom of the Opera. ,


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