1) She ___________ her teeth everyday. a) brush b) brushs c) brushes d) brushies 2) He seldom ___________ his face. a) wash b) washs c) washes d) washies 3) He never ___________ up late a) get b) gets c) getes d) geties 4) My mother ___________ to the supermarket twice a week. a) go b) gos c) goes d) goies 5) My brother always ___________. a) cry b) crys c) cryes d) cries 6) I sometimes ___________ TV. a) watch b) watchs c) watches d) watchies 7) He always ___________ video games. a) play b) plays c) playes d) plaies 8) He sometimes _______________ a cake. a) bake b) bakes c) bakees d) bakeies 9) He never ________ vegetables. a) eat b) eats c) eates d) eaties 10) I rarely ___________ a cold a) catch b) catchs c) catches d) catchies 11) He sometimes___________ a cold. a) catch b) catchs c) catches d) catchies 12) He hardly ever _____________. a) study b) studys c) studyes d) studies 13) You _____________ everyday. a) study b) studys c) studyes d) studies 14) He _____________ the dishes three times a day. a) wash b) washs c) washes d) washies 15) He always_____________ . a) lie b) lies c) liees d) lieies 16) The pilot _____________ three times a week. a) fly b) flys c) flyes d) flies 17) I usually _____________ the room. a) clean b) cleans c) cleanes d) cleanies 18) I never _____________ . a) drive b) drives c) drivees d) driveies

Present tense 3rd person singular (Daily activities) 2


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