1) A group of people wanted to kill King James _______________. a) 2 the second b) 1 the first  c) 3 the third 2) 2. Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament in _______________. a) 1605 b) 1850 c) 1560 3) 3. Guy Fawkes and his men put _______________ barrels of explosives in the Houses of Palliament a) 3 b) 56 c) 36 4) 4. People remember the plot by enjoying fireworks and bonfires on _______________ November. a) 5 b) 15 c) 6 5) 5. Edenbridge in Kent burns a _______________-metre Guy on a bonfire every year. a) 9 b) 19 c) 2 6) 6. People under _______________ can’t buy fireworks in the UK. a) 18 b) 16 c) 21

British Council Bonfire night 4


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