ad agency - a business that gives advice to companies about how they should advertise their products, and produces advertisements for them, advert - a picture, set of words, or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy a product or use a service, or that gives information about a job that is available, an event that is going to happen etc, advertising campaign - an organization’s programme of advertising activities over a particular period of time with specific aims, for example to increase sales of a product, brand - a name given to a product by a company so that the product can easily be recognized by its name or its design, celebrity - a famous living person, a star, consumer - someone who buys and uses products and services, eye-catching - something that is unusual or attractive in a way that makes you notice it, go viral - if a picture, video, joke etc ___ ____, it spreads widely, especially on the Internet or mobile phones, hype - when advertisers try to make the public interested in someone or something through advertisements that make people talk about them a lot on television and radio, jingle - a short song used in advertisements, online ads - any type of marketing message that show up with the help of the internet, peer pressure - a strong feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age if you want them to like you, persuasive - able to make other people believe something or do what you ask, target audience - the kind of people that broadcasters are trying to reach with a particular programme, advertisement etc,


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