1) Reis __ with the pogoball a) Play b) Playyed c) Prey d) Played e) Playidi f) Pleied 2) Rafael ___ a boat on the board a) Driw b) Drew c) Drawing d) Draw e) Divivivjvhdd f) Drawed 3) Bia Matos let the chair ___ down a) Fall b) Fill c) Fell d) Faliu e) Cair f) Caio 4) Ana b __ a duo with Rafael a) Make b) Making c) Maja d) Magia e) Mana f) Made 5) Isa ________ anime a) Watched b) Whate c) Whatin' d) Æ e) Wach f) What 6) Esther _____ last night a) Sleep b) Lope c) Lo d) op e) Ok f) Slept 7) Beni _____ a shower a) Take b) Took c) Taked d) Tacked e) Tak f) Talk 8) Carvalho ____ to Koba and Giovanna last night a) Played b) Talke c) Play d) Talked e) Lol f) Idjgjsk 9) Mattos ______ capitals a) Studier b) Studi c) Stud d) Studied e) Studled f) Stuled 10) Koba _____ to the psycologist a) Wint b) Go c) Gu d) Went e) Wet f) Wit


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