1) What is the capital of Australia? a) Melbourne b) Canberra c) Sydney d) Perth e) Adelaide f) Hobart 2) Which country has the most population? a) Russia b) Italy c) Canada d) China e) India f) United States of America 3) Which landlocked country has more cars than people? a) Vatican City b) Liechtenstein c) San Marino d) Lesotho e) Laos f) Andorra 4) Which U.S state has the landmark "The Grand Canyon"? a) California b) Alabama c) Florida d) Arizona e) Texas f) New Mexico 5) Which country comes first alphabetically? a) Australia b) Angola c) Afghanistan d) Austria e) Albania f) Armenia 6) Which country's flag has a tri-band of blue, black and white? a) Estonia b) Latvia c) Greece d) Andorra e) Italy f) Mexico 7) Which country owns Greenland officially? a) Canada b) United States of America c) Norway d) United Kingdom e) Russia f) Denmark 8) Which two countries have an almost identical flag? a) Chad and Romania b) Romania and France c) Thailand and Belgium d) Zimbabwe and Australia e) Canada and Russia f) Belize and Panama 9) Is Oceania a continent? a) Yes b) No 10) In 2014, which country had the lowest minimum wage of $0.01/ per hour? a) Cuba b) Zimbabwe c) Mali d) Uganda e) Pakistan f) Belize 11) Not required: Did you enjoy this? a) Yes b) No c) It was fine d) In the middle 12) For educators: Was this helpful? a) Yes, thank you. b) No. c) Not really.

Geography Quiz (Countries, Cities etc.)


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