eat - fast food / Japanese food / Mexican food, drink - coffee / tea / Diet Coke, live - in a big house / in a small flat / in the city centre, listen to - the radio in the car / music on my iPod / classical music, do - housework in the morning / my English homework at night / yoga, speak - Italian / Spanish / German, have - two children / a big family / a cat / a dog, watch - American series on TV / sports programmes on TV / films on my laptop, play - football / basketball / the piano / the guitar, go - to the gym / to dance classes / to clubs often / to the cinema, read - English books / celebrity magazines / a newspaper every day, work - in an office / for Microsoft / at the weekend, like - pop music / animals / dancing, wear - a dress / jeans / a T-shirt, study - economics / biology / literature, drive - a car / a VW / a Mercedes, cook - dinner / breakfast / something delicious ,


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