Are you going to study this evening?, What are you going to do at the weekend?, Do you think you´ll watch TV? If yes, what will you watch?, Are you going to play any sports this week? Which sports and when?, Are you going to help at home today?, Where will you live in the future?, What job do you think you´ll have when you are 30?, Do you think you´ll be famous? Why yes, why not?, Where are you going to spend your holidays?, Where do you want to study in the future?, What are you going to study in the future?, How will your life change in the future?, How do you think technology will change our lives?, How will you use English in the future?, What kind of music will your children listen to?, When are you going to travel overseas?, What kind of home do you want to have in the future?, Do you plan on getting your driving license, if so when will you get it? , What holiday are you going to celebrate next? What are your plans for it?.


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