1) Policy often comes in the form of... a) general statements about priorities  b) written regulations or guidelines c) punishment for violations d) implementation by legislative 2) Law... a) is a culmination of policy b) is enforced with punishments  c) is paving way for law d) does not have punishments 3) "what the government chooses to do, or not to do" is a definition of public policy by a) Gordon & Milakovich 1995 b) Young 2013 c) Dye, 1972 4) "To eradicate poverty and to restructure the society" are the objectives of  a) National Telecommunications Policy  b) New Economic Policy c) Industrial Malaysia Plan d) National Development Policy 5) Programmes are... a) specific deeds, actions and functions b) plans of actions to accomplish specified end c) written regulations and guidelines 6) Activities are... a) specific deeds, actions, and functions b) distinct path of action c) culmination of policy 7) Who are the policy makers? a) active supporters of a particular policy b) non profit organizations, interest group or individuals c) those who have authority to impose normative guidelines for action 8) Actors who are involved in policy making a) judge b) politicians c) civil servants d) public 9) Policy decisions in Elite Model is monopolized by those on... a) the bottom in government system b) the top in government system c) the public 10) Which public ploicy model explains that policy making is a continuous process? a) Elite Model b) Systems model c) Incremental model d) Group model



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