1) Keeping animals in zoos is cruel? 2) What would you like to see more of in the news? 3) Do you think it's important to stay up to date with current affairs? 4) Do you think there will still be newspapers in five years? 5) How often do you get takeaway food? 6) Do you prefer home cooked food or restaurant food? 7) What's your favourite dish? 8) What do you think future generations will think about how we treat the environment today? 9) How worried are you about global warming? 10) Have you noticed changes in the climate in your lifetime? 11) What do you recycle? 12) What do you think about nuclear power? 13) What are the benefits of being famous? 14) If you could have dinner or a drink with any living person, who would you choose? 15) Which famous person would you be happy never to see again? 16) What would you like to be famous for? 17) If you were rich and famous, how would you spend your time? 18) What are the downsides of being famous? 19) What's your perfect breakfast? 20) What national dishes from your country would you recommend? 21) Do you care where the food you eat comes from? 22) What are your guilty pleasures? 23) What was the last meal you cooked? 24) How healthy is your diet? 25) What do you think of genetically-modified (GM) food? 26) Are you a fussy eater? 27) Is anyone in your family vegetarian? 28) How has your taste in food changed over time? 29) Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? 30) What might your mobile phone be able to do in ten years' time?

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