1) What is the past form of "eat"? a) ate b) eated  c) eaten 2) What is the past form of "write"? a) writed b) wrote c) written 3) What is the past form of "become"? a) became b) become c) becamed 4) What is the past form of "teach"? a) taucher b) teached c) taught 5) What is the past form of "run"? a) run b) ran c) runned 6) What is the past form of "wait"? a) wote b) wait c) waited 7) What is the past form of "swim"? a) swum b) swam c) swimmed 8) What is the past form of "leave"? a) leaved b) left c) leave 9) What is the past form of "pray"? a) prayed b) praied c) prayied 10) What is the past form of "rub"? a) rubed b) rubbed c) rubber 11) What is the past form of "conduct"? a) conducted b) conductied c) conduct 12) What is the past form of "say"? a) saied b) sayed c) said 13) What is the past form of "wear"? a) weard b) wore c) woar 14) What is the past form of "bathe"? a) bathed b) both c) bothed 15) What is the past form of "buy"? a) bought b) buyed c) buied 16) What is the past form of "take care"? a) taked care b) taken care c) took care 17) What is the past form of "forget"? a) forgetted b) forgot c) forgetting 18) What is the past form of "fly"? a) flied b) flown c) flew 19) What is the past form of "catch"? a) caught b) catch c) caughet 20) What is the past form of "speak"? a) spoked b) spoke c) spoken


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