1) On which day was William crowned king? a) 14 October b) 25 December c) 25 November 2) Which is one reason for why William won the Battle of Hastings? a) Harold Godwinson rushed into battle without his full army b) William was an inspiring leader and had good tactics c) The tactics of the 'feigned retreat' worked well. d) The norman archers adapted to firing more vertically. 3) When a rebellion against William took place in the north of England, the king responded by ordering villages there to be burned and crops destroyed. This is known as what? a) The Slaughter of the North b) King William's Revenge c) The Harrying of the North 4) What is a 'motte'? a) A high mound of earth upon which a castle's keep was built b) A large courtyard containing stables and storehouses c) A deep ditch that surrounds a castle 5) The earliest wooden motte and bailey castles took approximately how long to build? a) 7 to 14 days b) 2 to 3 hours c) 3 to 6 months 6) By 1086, approximately how many Normans had settled in England? a) 1000 b) 10,000 c) 100,000 7) As well as castles, what other large stone structures did the Normans famously build? a) Cathedrals b) Hospitals c) Motorways 8) Aproximately how many villages were visited during the Domesday Survey? a) 1300 b) 130 c) 13,000 9) What is the name given to the Norman system where each group of people owed loyalty to the group above, starting with the villeins, knights, barons and ending with the King? a) The fearless system b) The Domesday system c) The feudal system 10) What was the name of a fine that a whole area was forced to pay if a Norman was killed there? a) Forest Law b) Murdrum Fine c) Norman Fine 11) What was the agreement called between King John and the barons? a) Magna Carta b) Carter Magna 12) Where was the Magna Carter signed? a) Runnymede, near windsor b) London c) York 13) Who which Archbishop was killed in a cathedral? a) Thomas Cromwell b) Thomas Becket c) William Becket


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