1) легко a) easy b) an hour a day c) an exam d) to choose 2) складно a) a couple of free days b) to decide c) difficult d) Don't worry! 3) навчатися a) not much time b) to study c) Are you sure? d) a timetable 4) вибирати a) to choose b) to learn about a subject c) easy d) Don't worry! 5) графік a) Are you sure? b) to learn about a subject c) a timetable d) I need your help! 6) екзамен a) an exam b) I need your help! c) a timetable d) easy 7) вирішувати a) to study b) to decide c) an hour a day d) difficult 8) вивчати предмет a) I need your help! b) to learn about a subject c) a timetable d) Are you sure? 9) Мені потрібна твоя допомога! a) I need your help! b) a couple of free days c) to study d) to choose 10) небагато часу a) difficult b) to decide c) to learn about a subject d) not much time 11) Не турбуйся! a) an exam b) easy c) Don't worry! d) to choose 12) година в день a) to decide b) an hour a day c) I need your help! d) easy 13) пара вільних днів a) a couple of free days b) to decide c) Don't worry! d) to study 14) Ти впевнений? a) to learn about a subject b) a couple of free days c) Are you sure? d) difficult


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