Biological control - Control of pests, weeds or diseases using predators or parasites, Indirect control  - Does not use chemicals, Direct control - Use of chemicals to control or eradicate pests, weeds and diseases, Selective herbicide - Control or kill certain species of a plant life without harming other plant life, Non-selective herbicide - Kills all plant life, does not distinguish between weeds and crops, Pre-emergent herbicide - Prevents weeds from germinating, Post-emergent herbicide - Kills weeds after germinating, Contact herbicide - Kills only foliage it comes into contact with, does not kill roots of weeds, Translocated herbicides - Adsorbed by the plant and brought to the stems, leaves and roots, Translaminar fungicide - Adsorbed by the upper leaf and brought to the lower leaf, Herbicide resistance - Chemical does not kill targeted plant,


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