1) I have it four ... a week. a) day b) times c) time 2) What subjects do you have today? a) Music b) Art c) English 3) How many lessons do you have today? a) I have four. b) I like English. c) I have Maths. 4) How ........ do you have English? a) often b) much c) many 5) How many ......... do you have today? a) English b) lessons c) twice 6) What subjects do you have today? a) Maths b) English c) Vietnamese 7) I have ....... lessons: Maths, English and Science. a) six b) five c) three 8) What subjects do you have on Tuesdays? a) Vietnamese and Maths b) Art and IT c) Art and Vietnamese 9) What subjects do you have on Mondays? a) Maths and IT b) Maths and Science c) IT and English 10) What subjects do you have today? a) Art b) Science c) Music

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